5 gut-friendly food options

5 gut-friendly food options
Gut health is the key to good health. The body digests all the food we consume. The minerals and nutrients then have to be broken down before being absorbed by the body. This process occurs in the stomach and the small intestine due to the presence of healthy bacteria. To promote the health of this gut bacteria, here are some gut-friendly food options to try.  Nuits and seeds Fiber is vital for your digestive system and gut to function normally. Most fruits and vegetables contain a high amount of fiber. However, you may get tired of eating fruits and vegetables too frequently. In this case, nuts and seeds are ideal substitutes for the required fiber. Nuts also pack a large number of vitamins, minerals, and protein. Besides, they’re easy to consume. You can add a few to your morning smoothie or include nuts in your daily cooking to ensure you get your dose of fiber and protect your gut.  Yogurt Probiotic yogurt is a good source of the health-promoting bacteria known as ‘probiotics’ which help keep your gut healthy. They can help keep you healthy by neutralizing harmful germs and boosting your immune system. You can buy probiotic yogurt at a grocery store, but it’s just as easy to make your own at home. You can use yogurt in several different ways. You can use it in smoothies, in your bakes, to marinate meat and you can even choose to eat it plain.  Kefir Kefir is a fermented milk product that has been around for many years. It is made by adding kefir ‘grains’ to cow, goat, or sheep milk and letting them sit for a couple of days until the fermentation process begins. It is essentially sour and yogurt-like. But it contains beneficial bacteria that can aid digestion and boost your immune system. The advantage of kefir is that it doesn’t require refrigeration like yogurt to maintain freshness. Kefir has a slightly sour taste due to the lactic acid produced during fermentation. While some people find this flavor unpleasant, many others enjoy it immensely. Kefir contains a high amount of protein, calcium, and vitamin B12 which all play a significant part in maintaining a healthy gut.  Tempeh Tempeh is an excellent meat substitute and is great for the health of your gut. It is made by fermenting cooked soybeans and can easily be found in the refrigerated section of your local grocery store. It’s high in protein, fiber, and several vitamins and minerals. Tempeh also contains antioxidants that may help fight cancer cells in your body.  Kimchi Kimchi has existed for thousands of years. It is traditionally a Korean salad made by salting and fermenting vegetables like cabbages. What makes kimchi extremely useful for your gut is the probiotics it contains. Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria in your gut that aid in the digestive process and help absorb nutrients and benefit overall health. Kimchi is also rich in vitamin C, helping to strengthen the immune system, and contains fiber beneficial to the digestive system.