5 junk food dinners to avoid regularly

5 junk food dinners to avoid regularly
Junk food is a staple for several people, especially those with busy lifestyles who can’t find the time to cook a full meal. Additionally, with multiple fast food joints and convenience stores offering a wide range of fast foods that you can eat without much effort, many Americans opt for junk food dinners. Consuming junk food regularly can impact your health. Here are five junk foods you should avoid eating regularly.  Pizza Pizza is probably one of the most popular junk foods for many worldwide. However, it is one of the worst junk foods you can eat. Most pizzas contain copious amounts of cheese and processed meats high in saturated fat and sodium. Even the pizza crust is made using refined flour low in nutrients and high in calories. Depending on what toppings you consume, a slice of pizza can contain approximately 400 calories. Instead of buying pizza from a fast food chain, make your pizza using whole grain crust and fresh vegetables.  Fried Chicken Fried chicken is an American classic that a lot of people eat regularly. It’s quick and easy to consume, saving people time. However, fried chicken is full of calories, fat, and sodium that harm your body. Besides, the breading on the chicken is usually made with refined flour and deep fried in oil, adding a significant amount of calories and unhealthy fats. One piece of fried chicken can contain up to 500 calories. Besides, you cannot eat just one piece. Instead of fried chicken, try making baked or grilled chicken with roasted vegetables.  Burgers and Fries Burgers and fries are another American classic that most people eat daily. It’s been popular among adults and children for decades now. Burgers have a lot of unhealthy ingredients that can seriously impact your health. Despite the protein content, ground beef is high in saturated fats and sodium. Refined flour is used to make the bun. The fries are heavy in carbohydrates and are also deep-fried. They can contain approximately 500 calories per serving. Make a veggie burger with a whole grain bun with sweet potato fries instead.  Hot Dogs Hot dogs are a street favorite that has now reached the dinner table. However, hot dogs are very high in calories and unsaturated fats. Besides, hot dogs are made using processed meats, heavy in sodium which increases your risk of heart disease, among other health issues. Make a grilled chicken or fish with a side of quinoa or brown rice to reduce the excessive calories.  Mac and Cheese Mac and cheese is comfort food that is easy to make and loved by most people. It’s a dish you can experiment with and add your favorite ingredients. On the flip side though, mac and cheese is very harmful to your physical health. It contains cheese, butter, and refined flour, significantly increasing your calorie intake. A serving of mac and cheese can contain up to 500 calories. Eat a vegetable stir fry with quinoa or brown rice on the side instead.