6 HIIT exercises you should include in your workout

6 HIIT exercises you should include in your workout
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has grown in popularity recently as many fitness buffs opt for this type of exercise. It combines periods of high intensity with periods of rest and low intensity to maximize calorie burn, increase cardiovascular fitness, and build lean muscle mass. Here are a few HIIT exercises you should consider.  Burpees Burpees are an effective full-body exercise. They benefit the chest, shoulders, arms, quads, glutes, and core muscles. Begin standing and slowly squat and place both hands on the ground. Jump back into a plank position and immediately jump back up. From there, jump explosively, reaching your arms towards the ceiling. Repeat this for a minimum of 30-60 seconds and take a short break before moving on to the next exercise.  Jumping Jacks Jumping Jacks is a classic exercise great for warming up or including in a HIIT workout. It is part of a HIIT workout regimen due to its usefulness to the legs, arms, and cardiovascular system. They’re also a lot easier to do than most other HIIT exercises. Start in a standing position with your arms beside you. Jump with your feet out wide while raising your arms above your head. Jump and get your feet together while lowering your arms back to your sides. Repeat for at least a minute. Mountain Climbers Mountain Climbers greatly benefit your core, arms, and legs. You can start in a plank position with your arms kept straight and your core engaged. Bring one knee towards your chest, then quickly switch your knees, like you’re running in one place. Make sure that your core is engaged and your hips level throughout. Continue this for 30-60 seconds.  Jump Squats Performing jump squats greatly benefits the building up of lower body strength and power. You can start standing with your feet apart in line with your shoulders. Then lower your body into a squat position and explosively jump into the air, raising your arms towards the ceiling. Land on your feet and immediately lower yourself back down into a squat. Repeat for 30-60 seconds and take a break.  High Knees High knee is a simple exercise that helps to build up your heart rate and improve leg strength. You can begin by standing in place and bringing your knees up toward your chest as high as possible. Then start alternating rapidly between your two knees, like you’re running in place. Make sure your core is engaged. Keep your arms pumping by the side. Repeat for up to a minute.  Jump Rope Jump rope is an important HIIT workout exercise that helps with the cardio aspect. It mainly targets the legs, arms, and cardiovascular system, making it a good all-around activity. Get yourself a jump rope, hold the handles in each hand, and swing the rope over your head. Jump over the rope with both feet, landing on the balls of your feet. Continue skipping for as long as your can.