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Free College Grant Money In Us

Free College Grant Money in US

Colleges and Universities in the US receive Free College Grant Money from the federal government. This amount is usually used to pay for the institutional costs and other education-related costs that a student might have to pay.

Though these Free College Grants might help the students pay their added costs in education, this does not mean that it will essentially cover the tuition fee.

Free College Grant Money In Us
These grants come from numerous sources including corporations and private organizations but the major share of Grants for College Students come from US Federal Government.

These Government Grants for College usually fall under two broad categories including need-based grants and merit-based grants. While the Free Grants for College Students under the need-based system is issued to those students who are facing hardship when it comes to paying the fee. The merit-based grants, on the other hand, are for scoring good grades and those students who have achieved on the personal front.

Some of the Student Grants for College are for specialized segments and it helps them pay their college fee. These groups include underrepresented groups, students who have disabilities, students who might have chosen other career and those falling under foster care programs.

Even if a student falls under the preview of applying for a need-based grant or merit-based grant, it should be ensured that the search for the grant should begin from the Federal Government route only.

How to get Federal Student Grant

To get a federal financial aid under the Free College Grant Money program, a student needs to apply through standardized request form which is known as Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This application form gauges the need of the student for any kind of financial assistance in the college.

The information provided by the student is used for tabulating the cost of education and grants for college students are given based on this assumption.

The income of parents and assets, the income of student, if any, and total family size are used to calculate the Expected Family Contribution (ECF). This ECF is then shared on personal Student Aid Report. This helps in determining the free grants for college students that they might be eligible to receive.

This Student Aid Report or SAR is further shared with the school the students choose. This financial aid package for the individuals more often is inclusive of federal grants which are then issued in form of an offer letter to the university.

Factors that determine Federal Grant Funding

These free grants for college students or the federal grant programs are influenced by the funding that fills the government coffers. Thus, the amount of students grant for college changes every year as the amount fluctuates depending upon the funds available.

Based on the current assumptions, the free college grants amount for students remain around $5000 per student. Some of the government grants for college as FSEOG are often distributed on first come first served rotation basis and this funding continues until the time, the funds get exhausted. It is therefore essential that a student who desires to get free college grants fill out the FSEOG form early.

Federal Pell Grant Program

The Federal Grant Program is currently the most popular free college grants program. This grant provides assistance to undergraduate students who require financial assistance. The eligibility for this program is determined based on the FSEOG scores. The amount of Pell Grant award is determined based on several factors including:

• Financial need of the student which is much beyond his or her Expected Family Contribution.

• Enrollment status of the student (Full time or part-time)

• Actual cost of attending the school.

• Enrollment duration during the course.

It should, however, be understood that any of the Free College Grant Money is based on the annual funding and the amount is liable to be changed. The Pell Grant currently available is $5,500 in each academic year.

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